Patterico's Pontifications


Eason Jordan to Pay Michelle Malkin’s Way to Baghdad to Look for Jamil Hussein?

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General,Media Bias — Patterico @ 6:46 am

Eason Jordan — who as head of CNN appeased Saddam for years by his own admission, and then allegedly accused our military of targeting journalists — now has his own website. And Jordan has offered to have Michelle Malkin accompany him to Baghdad, and to pay her travel expenses, so they can look for Jamil Hussein.

She has accepted.

Stay tuned. Will he renege? Any way you slice it, this will be good.

P.S. I should have been on this earlier, but I don’t see any evidence that the L.A. Times has mentioned the Jamil Hussein story at all. A search for “Jamil” on the paper’s web site reveals no relevant stories whatsoever. No surprise there.

16 Responses to “Eason Jordan to Pay Michelle Malkin’s Way to Baghdad to Look for Jamil Hussein?”

  1. This is hilarious, or jaw-dropping, or astonishing or something. I’m not sure which.

    I’m so glad we’ll have Mr. Jordan back on the job getting the truth out of Iraq for us.

    Dwilkers (4f4ebf)

  2. Novel Approach…

    Yet, one has to admit that Eason Jordan appears to have the right idea by going to actually verify facts that AP claims on its say-so. That contrasts starkly with Jordan’s previous efforts at news gathering….

    A Blog For All (59ce3a)

  3. Has anyone ever seen Jamil Hussein and Eason Jordan at the same time???? Hmmmmm…..

    William Hamilton (453daa)

  4. Who will provide security for this trip? I’m not sure I would trust Eason Jordan to provide it.

    DRJ (8b9d41)

  5. I trust Ms. Malkin will be provided with a camera crew to cover her every step as she walks freely on the streets of Baghdad — which as we all know are strewn with flowers as its citizens sing the praises of their country’s great liberator George W. Bush.

    David Ehrenstein (f82439)

  6. I hope she has some powerful binoculars that can roam the countryside from her balcony in the green zone.

    jpe (6d7a09)

  7. There’s no way she will ever go.

    How will she back out while trying to save face?

    The Liberal Avenger (c93dac)

  8. Has anyone stopped to think that Jamil Hussein might be a pseudonym? Because the guy wants to stay alive?

    Who will provide security for this trip? I’m not sure I would trust Eason Jordan to provide it.

    I’d be curious to know how much security she feels is necessary.

    actus (bb04e2)

  9. And if she doesn’t?

    Patterico (de0616)

  10. I think Eason is looking for some hot suite lovin’. Somehow I think he may be dissapointed.

    Lloyd (ca5075)

  11. Our good friend The Liberal Avenger wrote:

    There’s no way she will ever go.

    How will she back out while trying to save face?

    No way? You have left yourself exactly zero wiggle room here, LA. What will you write if she does go? 🙂

    Dana (556f76)

  12. Actus asked:

    Has anyone stopped to think that Jamil Hussein might be a pseudonym? Because the guy wants to stay alive?

    Mr Hussein has been identified as an Iraqi police captain. That position, if an accurate description, is one which invites danger.

    And, quite frankly, professional journalists have problems with using unidentified sources; they teach people in j-school that such should be used only in extraordinary circumstances. I never even heard of an acceptability criterion for using a source who was using a fictitious identity.

    Professional journalists vet their sources to the best of their ability. Journalists who accept, apparently unquestioningly, sources of bogus identity are not profesional.

    Dana (556f76)

  13. Mr Hussein has been identified as an Iraqi police captain. That position, if an accurate description, is one which invites danger.

    Specially being the one that is such a source for AP.

    Professional journalists vet their sources to the best of their ability. Journalists who accept, apparently unquestioningly, sources of bogus identity are not profesional.

    Thats the thing, the guy’s name might be bogus, but not their position. Didn’t the AP say they had been with the guy at work?

    actus (bb04e2)

  14. Scoop! Jamil Hussein spotted in Qana!…

    The elusive Jamil Hussein has been spotted in Qana. This photograph — shot by a stringer for both the Associated Press and Reuters — is proof positive of two key facts….

    Doug Ross @ Journal (59ce3a)

  15. Michelle Malkin and Curt of Flopping Aces Might be…

    I don’t have the intellectual discipline to take an indepth journey through the ins and outs of the story behind this story right now. The bottom line is that it has to do with the AP story about burning Sunnis that turned out to not be true….

    Blue Star Chronicles (59ce3a)

  16. […] P.S. This has gotta shock the “Liberal Avenger,” who said here: There’s no way she will ever go. […]

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