Because You Can Never Read Too Much About Sock-Puppetry
Sock-puppetry is everywhere! Just check out this detailed Seixon post on Jason Leopold and friends. Here’s part of the summary:
This entire story demonstrates that contrary to Leopold’s PR push with his book to promote himself as a reformed journalist, he will go to obscene lengths to defend his fraudulent stories including using sock puppets to levy false accusations and then lie about it. Larisa Alexandrovna of Raw Story fares only slightly better, being caught lying to either cover up her own fraudulent claims or to protect Leopold. John Dean was their willing pawn, believing every word they said and repeating it to me even when the evidence mounted proving everything wrong. Even after I made it quite clear to Dean that Leopold wouldn’t even admit to knowing who he was, he continued to defend Leopold and concocted vast conspiracy theories to explain everything that had happened.
These people sought to silence a critic by creating false rumors and concocting a fabulist story about him being a DOD hack going after them. They lied and evaded at every opportunity when faced with the facts of their unethical behavior. When caught in lies, they threatened legal action and stone-walled. The fact that the editor of Raw Story engages in such behavior with such people should make anyone question that source’s journalism. If there was still anyone who didn’t know that Jason Leopold is a pathological liar who cannot be trusted for one second about anything he writes, consider this a wake up call.
. . . .
Al Gore, I think I found your digital Brown Shirts, and they’re all firmly planted in the Joe Wilson Truth Movement.
Oh — and did I mention? Seixon’s personal details were divulged at Think Progress, and his parents got a call about him at their home.
Yes, Mr. Greenwald: I condemn this. Do you?
UPDATE: Check out Seixon’s latest post, which shows Jason Leopold posting e-mails from Seixon on the Internet — complete with fabricated portions in which Seixon supposedly threatens Leopold.
I think I’d sue if I were Seixon. Get a computer expert and take Leopold and Truthout for all they’re worth.
Sorry, couldn’t finish that sentence without laughing!
P.S. Some of the stuff Seixon actually did send Leopold was probably not very wise. Read it and you’ll see what I mean.