Debbie Does Lunacy – And Just About Nothing Else
[Posted by Xrlq]
Anyone who dislikes Ann Coulter should really, really, really hate Debbie Schlussel. While Coulter jerks people’s chains by makes outrageous statements with a gleam in her eye, Schlussel just spews her hate with no trace of humor at all. Case in point: while every American with an ounce of decency celebrated Jill Carroll’s release, Schlussel pulled a Fred Phelps and piled on with a series of increasingly shrill posts implying Carroll was a terrorist sympathizer. When called on her tone-deaf behavior, Schlussel turns around and plays the victim, arguing that she owes Carroll no apologies for her smears, yet for some oddball reason every blogger who got a minor detail about Schlussel’s propaganda wrong must owe her an apology. A brief summary of Schlussel’s, smears, innuendos, guilt-by-association-with-an-association-with-an-association arguments and outright lies is here.
Schlussel played the victim card again when Ace and Jeff offered her a chance to debate Rusty Shackleford, whom she also had the chutzpah to call a “nut” even after leaving a series of deranged comments on his blog. Why am I not surprised?
UPDATE: Beth and Beth have more, as do Misha, Florida Cracker and Right Wing Nation. The first Beth offers a brilliant suggestion: Carnival of Debbie Schlussel is a Cupid Stunt. Meanwhile, Don Surber, who is far more charitable than I, asks his readers to pray for D.S. rather than at her.