Patterico's Pontifications


Guest Bloggers to the Barricades!

Filed under: Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 9:17 pm

If any of you guest bloggers want to keep posting, please do. The apparent death of my hard drive is not good news for my immediate blogging future. And the post rebutting Hiltzik — which I think is quite devastating, by the way — will have to wait past tomorrow morning. It’s too long to edit on the Treo. I’ll see if I can’t get access to someone else’s computer to get it up. It’s close to done, and I want it up while it’s still relatively timely.

See Dubya? Jeff? X? Evan? Angry? (Dare I ask:) Allah? You up for it?

Uhhhh . . .

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:42 pm

So how bad is it when the computer says: “Primary master hard disk fail”?

Any computer experts have any help for me?

Quote Quiz #3: With a Theme!

Filed under: Music — Patterico @ 6:31 am

It’s time again for the Quote Quiz. This one is fun because there’s a theme. The theme should be obvious, but may help you with some of the more obscure songs.

You know the rules. 5 points for the band, 1 for the title. No Googling. Post your answers before reading any of the comments.

My favorite songs are probably #3 and #9 — but I especially like #10 in the context of this quiz. Tell me why it fits the theme and earn an extra 3 points. Tell me who “Fat Boy” is in song 3 and earn 2 points.

Hint: I am repeating a song I previously used in another quote quiz. I had to; it fit the theme.

As always, some lyrics and songs will be more obscure than others. Don’t worry — CraigC will kick your behind anyway.

Here are the lyrics:


I’m Back

Filed under: Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 5:26 am

I know: it may have seemed like I never left, since I checked in from time to time while on vacation — long enough to get criticized as a “propagandist” by L.A. Times columnist Michael Hiltzik.

My full response to him is almost done, but I plan to put the finishing touches on it tonight.

Thanks to the guest bloggers for filling in. It appears Allah was too busy with mysterious workings to contribute; we may be hearing more about that in coming days.

I will have some pictures of the trip (we went to Yosemite and Napa) in the next couple of days. In the meantime, I’ll put up the quote quiz that I was saving for tomorrow.

Look for the Hiltzik response tomorrow morning.

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