More on Rules for Nobel Peace Prize Nominations
Clinton Watson Taylor passes along this flyer from Stanford University, with the rules for Nobel Peace Prize nominations. It appears to clarify that nominators need not have a personal invitation from the Committee in order to submit nominations; all that is required is for a nominator to fit within one of the relevant categories.
A simple way to verify and clarify this would be to call or write to the organisers and ask for clarification of this “interesting” flyer, whether it is issued by them and whether or why it clearly contradicts their other clear ruling that requires personal invitation to the “qualified” nominators.
I have taken the effort of posting the issue of personal invitation to nominators and the link for it, for an academic, who seemed to lean towards uninvited nominators, for the reason, that, I think, while the press may have happily reported on the uninvited nomination as “surprisingly easy”, i think a higher burden lays on top echeleon academics and professors of law in particular, to verify the precise rules, than on the press, and for academics of stature and standing, like Eugene Volokh to advise the press accordingly, if he or they do find that indeed the current rules do require invited nominators.
I do not have the stature to advise the incorrect press reporting, as I perceive it [incorrect press reporting]. You, Patrick Frey Patterico and Eugene Volokh have, if you investigate and find that the press has got the wrong end of the stick. I have done my part, and must figure how to get the Cat’s Apron measured and sewn by another, so I will not be plagued with cat’s fur or hair 🙂
Yi Ling (8b383d) — 12/2/2005 @ 10:27 pmPatterico, you can also email them too, at in addition to or as alternative to calling and writing to The Norwegian Nobel Institute, Drammensveien 19, NO-0255 Oslo, Norway
Street address: Drammensveien 19, Oslo
Tel. +47 (0)22 12 93 00
Fax +47 (0)22 12 93 10
Web site: The Norwegian Nobel Institute
Incidentally the website which gave the rule of uninvited nominators, is the main web site for
all nobel prizes not just peace at specifically at
while the rule for nomination of peace prize you cite from the flyer [ following their website they provided] is the Norwegian Nobel Committee web site specifically at
You have here a contrast of a rule of invited nominators for all nobel prizes including noble peace prize, at the main web site but the intended or unintended omission of the invited nominator rule on the specific web site for the Norwegian Nobel Committee [ ie the nobel peace prize committee]. The significance of this omission seems to cause confusion and gives varying interpretation, one of which is the disputed ‘uninvited nominator’ that is now circulating via this ‘interesting flyer’ as proof of no invitation requirement.
It also opens up question, whether this invitation is addressed personally to XYZ or it is addressed to the university and it is up the university to delegate the task as it deems fit and appropriate.
Aside from that is also how one interprets rules of the overall organising body , the Nobel Foundation, which also details invited nominators, for each nobel prize, peace, medicine , physics , literature , etcetra…
A call, letter, email from Patrick Frey and Eugene Volokh might solve for the press, the mystery and issue of interpretation of the rules and application of the rules 🙂
Yi Ling (008bd4) — 12/3/2005 @ 12:46 amDon’t these requirements also make Angela Davis and Ward Churchill eligible. Don’t give them any ideas.
Pat Patterson (5b3946) — 12/4/2005 @ 1:43 pmDear Patterico,
I was looking at the proper post to leave this comment… It is off-topic, but I hope you don’t mind. This post seems to be the one that I found, in my entire 5-second search, that would make it the least off-topic, since you are talking here about nominations and winning awards.
That’s what I wanted to mention as well. As I noted the other night at Little Miss Attila’s entry on you (see the 3rd comment there, and her response to it), I had nominated this site for the “Best Law Blog” category in the annual Weblog Awards Contest, and said that I hope that it was chosen as a finalist for the ballot.
I just saw that your site has indeed been chosen. The voting begins tomorrow, and the weblogs that’ve been chosen will be posting entries, making their readers aware of this, so as to get votes. Best of luck in the contest!
Aakash (d5d439) — 12/4/2005 @ 4:03 pmHey, if you need any help on the Norwegian side of things, I’m in Norway! I speak/write fluent Norwegian. If that could be of any help at all…
Seixon (8a026e) — 12/5/2005 @ 6:35 amForget the Star Registry…
Commenter Sisyphus over at the Volokh Conspiracy has an even better suggestion for a special gift. Alas, it can only be given by certain people, but the rules are pretty broad.If you fit one of the categories listed at the second link… consider givin…
Silicon Valley Redneck (af7df9) — 12/5/2005 @ 12:49 pmOverview of the statistics of recent years of number of nominees for the six nobel prizes versus the number of nominators submitting their 6,000 nominations.
Gleaned from Brittanica linked earlier.
There are about 1140- 1490 nominees for the six prizes ranging about 150-300 nominees per prize as detailed below with about 6,000 nominators submitting these 1140- 1490 nominees as many nominators would have nominated the same nominee. This explains the discrepancy in number between number of nominators submitting the nominations of the nominees and the actual number of nominees.
It does not mean 1000 nominations for each category, given 6 categories and 6000 nominations received. Economics appears to have 250 nominations with only 100+ nominees. Some categories could have more than 1000 nominators submitting then. Brittanica suggests that 1000 nominations for each category but the nobel prize organization reporting of 250 nominations with 100+ nominees appears to depart from the rule of thumb of 1000 nominations per category. It could be 1000 invitations are sent out for economics but 250 reply with a submission of a nominee and with over lapping, there are thus 100+ nominees from the 250 nominators.
The ratio of nominees to nominators is about 1,300: 6,000 or 1: 4 . It would be presumptuous to conclude that 4 nominators nominate the same nominee. Popular and serious nominees could have more nominations and the converse could be true.
From the nobel prize organization covering the six nobel prizes are the figures for the received number of nominees [ note , not the received number of nominations or number of nominations. These are about 6000 nominations from 6000 nominators for 1140- 1490 nominees]
(1) Physics: 250-350 nominees per recent year
The nominations reach the Academy of Sciences between September and February. Many candidates receive more than one nomination and therefore the number of candidates is fewer than the nominations submitted. In recent years, about 250-350 persons have been nominated annually.
(2) Chemistry : 250-350 nominees per recent year
The nominations reach the Academy of Sciences between September and February. Many candidates receive more than one nomination and therefore the number of candidates is fewer than the nominations submitted. In recent years, about 250-350 persons have been nominated annually.
(3) Medicine or physiology : 200-300 nominees per recent year
The nominations reach the Nobel Assembly between September and February. Many suggest the same person, and therefore the total number of recommended candidates is usually about 200 to 300.
(4) Literature: 200 nominees per recent year
The nominations reach the Academy between September and February. The same names are usually listed as candidates. Around 200 names have been submitted yearly for consideration.
(5) Peace: 140 nominees per recent year
The nominations reach the Nobel Committee between September and February. In recent years, the Committee has received well over 140 nominations. Like the other prizes, the number of candidates is usually fewer than the number of nominations submitted since the same names are usually proposed.
(6) Economics: 100+ nominees per recent year
The nominations reach the Economics Prize Selection Committee of the Academy between September and February. About 250 nominations are submitted covering a little more than a hundred nominees.
Yi Ling (f56c6e) — 12/6/2005 @ 8:00 pmcont/=
This is one [my] reading of the posted information on nobel prize organization and brittanica on number of nominators and number of nominees for each of the six category of nobel prize to reconcile the reported 6000 nominations in brittanica
Yi Ling (f56c6e) — 12/6/2005 @ 8:07 pm[…] Graphic Courtesy of Patterico Technorati Tags: CindySheehan, NobelPeacePrize Filed under: Politics, Liberal Morons, Iraq War — Flap @ 2:18 pm […]
FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blog » Cindy Sheehan Watch: Sheehan Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize? (baa0b4) — 10/12/2006 @ 2:20 pmHi !
George A. Dubois II (ec1a5d) — 5/6/2007 @ 9:34 amI would like to know if, and if so where, I can nominate people for inclusion in the Nobel Prize Committees’ review process .
I don’t fall under thier list of nominator qualifications, and I don’t care.
Out of respect for them, and so that my nomination would get the serious consideration it duly deserves, I am seeking the best proper method of contacting them.
I pray that you know how I can do this.
Have you seen that Bono’s also looking into this?
Jack (753bb8) — 6/12/2007 @ 4:37 pm:))
AlexM (7b7be1) — 8/11/2008 @ 2:46 am