Bloggers Are Taking the Free Speech Pledge
This morning I challenged bloggers to take a simple pledge:
If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules.
The response has been strong. Here are the bloggers who have taken the pledge:
Count me in. [Big deal. You wouldn’t know how to shut up anyway.-ed. You’re right about that.]
I take that pledge. They’ll have to remove the keyboard from my cold dead hands!
That’s pretty easy. Fortunately, I’ve already taken that pledge — about 7 1/2 years ago when I became an attorney. I pledged then to support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Illinois. Acquiescing to a frontal attack on those Constitutions by a government bureaucracy would violate that oath.
And it’d just be a cowardly, immoral thing to do.
The FEC should bring it on. This is a fight they’ll surely lose.
Count me in!
I take the same pledge as Patterico.
And I note once again that these
Campaign Finance “Reform”First Amendment Assault laws have been pernicious and deeply anti-American from day one.I’m in.
OFFICIAL NOTICE: If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules. [Patterico says: Well said!]
I gotta say that when I read those words, then read the cautions expressed by Thoughts Online, I felt a sudden rush of, “Wait…. I got things I want to do. I got a family. I wanna travel, and move to a better place, and train another horse, and. . . . I don’t wanna be tied down—hell – jailed! For blogging?!?!?”
And then I listened to myself. I am actually worried about being
jailed for writing my opinions on this little blog?!?!?I don’t think so.
Here’s my answer. I make this pledge right now, and I will stand by it even if I am arrested and jailed. (My wife will plead and beg with me to “be sensible”, but it won’t matter.)
I’ll go further: If any organ of federal or state government limits my right to express any opinion on this blog, I will not obey.
I can’t even imagine the FEC attempting to muzzle American freedom of speech in this way. This isn’t Iran. And I would react with outrage and peaceful civil disobedience were such a thing to happen.
My answer: hell, yeah.
I not only pledge, but invite the FEC to sue my pants off.
I’m . . . throwing in with Patterico on this.
Count me in…
I will continue to speak my mind. The First Amendment guarantees me that right. Specifically. In very clear language.
I, too, will make that pledge. McCain Feingold was bad enough, now we have to limit bloggers? Frankly, I think the odds of it happening are slim. But if it does happen, I’m not going to to keep my mouth shut.
I hereby agree to this pledge wholeheartedly.
Now that’s an easy pledge to make.
Count us in, big time.
I’ll say it one more time, and then I’ll shut up – bloggers need to give serious discussion to the merits of setting up a legal/legislative defense fund. And we need to start that discussion NOW. The time to think about acquiring anti-aircraft guns is not in the middle of the bombing of Dresden. [Omnibus Driver: It has already happened. Read more here.]
Why is it that the same yahoos that think it is so important to have “diversity” are the same ones hell-bent on controlling the free expression of so many truly diverse people in the blogosphere?
I’m in. Now, who out there will sign the petition to rein in the judges who made speech regulation constitutionally acceptable?
Sounds like a plan to me.
I think I already made the same basic pledge here, but I will keep blogging my opinions until the FEC pries the keyboard from my cold dead hands.
To which I say, heck yes, I’ll take that pledge!
I so pledge.
I hereby swear to that. I don’t expect, however, that this will have much influence with the FEC, I am not on their Christmas card list.
Per request of Patterico:
If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules.
You hear that, FEC? You can have my keyboard when your pry it – and my copy of the Bill of Rights – out of my cold, dead fingers!
Personally, we’ll continue to comment on politics where and when we see fit, regulation shregulation.
I pledge the same.
I could be wrong. But, I do not believe my nephew and the rest of our Armed Forces are risking their lives, so my opinions can be stymied by the FEC. While this isn’t a political blog by nature, I reserve the right to express my opinion on subjects as I see fit. So, I take the pledge.
To stop this encroachment means that we all must stand and be counted. So here I am… one of the little bloggers – shouting at Goliath. I won’t stand down.
I make the following pledge:
If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules.
My answer to Patterico: I’ll keep writing what I want just to piss them off. The appearance of mass prosecutions of citizen pundits by the FEC would be hilarious. They’d be laughed out of the courthouse. I personally can’t wait for my arrest warrant.
Patrick, put my name on the list.
I’ll stop blogging when I’ve got nothing more to say. Or when I move somewhere that I don’t have Internet service. Or when I get bored with it. Or if I find something else I like better. Or something like that. But I stand firm on this! I shall not stop blogging just because someone passes a law telling me to. Screw you.
They Can Take My Life…but they will have to pry my cold, dead fingers away from my keyboard!
I have pledged to support and defend the U.S. Constitution at least five times in serving in public office and service to my country (U.S. Public Health Service).
I will continue to do so and will resist any attempts to subvert anyones First Amendment Rights guaranteed under said Constitution.
McCain-Feingold be damned!
Since I write from Japan but my blog lives back home in the States, I don’t know how things would play out for people such as me in practice, but as an American citizen, yeah, I pledge.
. . . .
Our government’s current enthusiasm for curtailing the constitutionally protected speech of its own people is not beautiful. It’s immoral, unethical, illegal, and outrageous. It’s also not new. McCain-Feingold, with its little numbered permissions and categories, is already law, after all.
Patterico offers a challenge.
And I accept.
A Republic, Madam, If You Can Keep It:
There’s been discussion as to whether the McCain-Feingold regulations would limit the discourse possible on blogs. I don’t know whether it will or not, but if it does, I’m taking the pledge to not change the discourse on this site, regardless the consequences. I’m with Patterico.
So, I too will take this pledge. I will not stop blogging. As both a private U.S. citizen and as an aspiring journalist I see no reason to stop practicing my first amendment right to do the one thing I enjoy most: writing. To stop writing, to end my craft, to extinguish my life’s passion would go against my conscience as a Good Citizen and against the very foundational instincts as a Good Journalist.
This won’t be a conventional battle. It will be a test of willpower. I have faith in myself and my fellow Good Citizens. After all, are we not “the People”?
I pledge that, if the FEC makes any attempt to crack down on on-line political expression, I will increase my political commentary in defiance of them. Massive civil disobedience is the best way to fight this new attempt to shut down public debate.
I’ll take the pledge too, because I have no problem and no hypocritical objection to breaking a law or rule that I know to be unjust.
I *gulp* take the pledge.
Will you?
I do solemnly swear…
If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules.
The FEC and McCain/Feingold will not stop me from exercising my Constitutionally protected right to free speech. I will answer the challenge issued by Patterico, and I will take this pledge.
This is a line that we must not allow the government to cross.
I don’t think I’ll run afoul of such rules anytime soon. But heck, I’m in.
Oh, and by the way, Senators McCain and Feingold, the right to bear arms so we can defend our freedoms is in the document too. You should read it.
Take the pledge.
If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion, I will not obey those rules.
What sort of weasel would? This is the US, not “Communist” China. [Michael and Roscoe: he said it; I didn’t. — Patterico.]
I certainly don’t see a day when the US Gubmint would come knocking
ondown my door to arrest me for exercising my First Amendment rights, but should that day come, let it be known that my Second Amendment rights will also be exercised.What we bloggers should do is get together, as a group, and buy airtime two weeks before a big election to endorse a candidate, thereby breaking McCain-Feingold on purpose, so that we may be prosecuted.
I’m in.
I will, Pat. And I’ll send the FEC a trackback every time I do it, too.
I’m in, and I hope that everyone in this country is with me. If not, I weep for our future.
[T]he clear language of the First Amendment precludes the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act. If a majority of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the President don’t care, so what? The sole basis of their authority over me is the Constitution. That attitude may not flow from the Holy Spirit, but an assertion of individual intellectual and political independence strikes me as fully in line with the doctrine of the soul and the full spiritual equality of humanity.
The Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill:
I will never modify my in your face style of blogging to conform to rules that violate my First Amendment Rights.
McCain, Feingold and the other silly fascists can all move to Canada and tell the sheep what to say. . . .
John McCain and Russ Feingold: please retire from public “service,” you’ve done more than enough damage already. Step aside so others may try to undo your harm.
Patterico’s challenge. I accept.
If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules.
This is now an official policy of the Free Voice.
If the FEC makes rules that limit my Constitutionally guaranteed Right to Free Speech, I will not only not obey the rules, and I will continue to blog the same way, I will spam John McCain and Russell Feingold’s websites, as well as any other politician that backs those unconstitutional rules.
With right hand raised
Dear Patterico:
The events of this day perhaps have emboldened me, and it’s about time.
I will not be silenced, no matter what the Federal Election Commission or any other government agency throws at me in an attempt to circumvent the First Amendment.
Thank you for sticking to your guns.
I take the pledge. And so have many, many others. If you’re a blogger, please consider joining us.
If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules. [Appears on right margin of blog’s main page.]
You bet. There’s a reason that amendment was the first one. The McCain-Feingold Act should never have been passed. It should never have been signed by the President. It should have been thrown out completely by every court that looked at it. It should be repealed.
I will aver that I will post on matters and subjects that interest me. If any agency public or private has a problem with that, said agency can take a long walk on a short pier. I have occasion to opine about a politician, then I shall opine about that politician. If some busybody has a problem with that and wishes to give me grief about it, that busybody has a fight on his hands.
You have a problem with what I write about, don’t read me.
Count me in, Patterico. I vehemently take that pledge.
I’ll take that pledge. The FEC even considering regulating free speech is a ridiculous act.
If the unconstitutional FEC makes any rules that violate my First Amendment right be unlimited in my expression by “no law,” I will not obey those rules.
I can keep to my pledge a hell of a lot easier than the government has kept to its pledge.
Bring it on.
I will not comply with those restraints. Will you?
Come and get me.
I, Patti Niehoff, sole proprietor of white pebble, pledge the following:
If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules.
If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules.
Don’t forget the people who already said this:
I’m damned sure not going to change my blogging style, nor start running disclaimers every time I blog about a political issue or a politician/candidate.
I will simply break their law.
That is all.
I intend to break that law – as an act of defiance against the tyranny of the elected and appointed. I intend specifically to invite prosecution and persecution.
The McCain Feingold Insurrection:
At minimum, you should assert that you view your blog as a sacred expression of your first amendment protected right of free speech, and that you will continue posting whatever the hell you want.
The McCain Feingold Insurrection blog had already encouraged people to make a similar pledge, and collected dozens of links to blogs with statements of defiance. I thought those bloggers should be listed here as well, so here they are:
geekWithA.45: “Warning Shot Across The Bow”
Kim du Toit: “It’s not going to happen”
Smallest Minority: I knew someone…
The Everlasting Phelps: Notice to FEC
Feces Flinging Monkey: Cold Dead Hands
The Hairy Libertarian: Signs Up
The Warren: My Sentiments, Exactly
Cinomed: Makes a Statement
Chris Byrn: Civil Disobedience
Bill St. Clair: Hoists The Flag
Radar Rider: Draws a Line
Adam Lawson: Makes his feelings known
Dave Markowitz: Regulate This!
Music For Misanthropes: Say What?
Friendly Grizzly: Growls
Solar Void: Has his say
Murdock The Crazy: Independently Echoes a Sentiment
Ravnwood: The FEC can bite me
Jed: Avast, ye scurvy dogs!
Kallini Brothers: One post of many
Rusty: I was so pissed I became a blogger
David Codrea: A Line In The Sand
Doc E: Signs Up
Billy Beck: Hoists the flag
Addicted To String: Politics Schmoliticks
Spatula City: Memo to FEC: Bite Me!
Trigger Finger: Does Not Intend To Stop
Eternity Road: Hops aboard
Josh Poulson: What Part of “Shall Make No Law” Don’t You Understand?
Chris Hamilton: Cries Havoc!
SunniMaravillosa: F U, FEC
Critical Mastiff: A Proud Member
Musings of a Fat Kid: Count Me Out, And In
All Along The Blog Tower: McCain-Feingold’s Motorpsycho Nightmare
The Trainer: Not Likely
Blog O’ Death: McCain Feingold Treason
Doc Russia: With a Mouse in One Hand, a .45 In The Other
John Haberman: Don’t throw the party without me!
mAss Backwards: joins up
Joe Huffman: A slightly different take
Snugg Harbor: Sworn to protect and defend…
Pontifications of George: Tread softly, ye feckless fec
Billy J: Wordless simplicity
Heartless Libertarian: Molon Labe, Senators
Publicola: Oh, no..They can’t take that away…
Rivrdog: Leaps aboard
FreakChylde: Is In
d_a_smi: raises a finger to the FEC
Beth: I’m in
Bloodspite: Makes his choice
Byron: Don’t Tread on Me
SobekPundit: wants his name on this list
The Radical Centrist: Finally! An insurrection I’m proud to join!
Heads Bunker
Sailor In The Desert
Liberty Unlimited
Zippo The Pirate
The Lonely Lib Con
Flash Of Freedom
Life’s Better Ideas
Dutch Expat
Jack of Clubs
GullyBorgWhatever the new rules, if any, we do not plan on abiding by them.
I am an American citizen. It is my right and duty to speak out on matters pertaining to the political workings of my government and I will not relinquish either that right or that duty.
Constitutional Conservative proudly presents ‘the bird’ to McCain-Feingold.
Those making a lawyerly, watered-down version of the pledge:
If the FEC makes rules that unreasonably limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not make any special efforts to obey those rules, and if given a reasonable opportunity to violate them, I will do so. [Don’t go too far out on that limb, buddy!]
UPDATE: Xrlq does make a secondary pledge, which I like better:
If I choose to disobey any FEC rule that I believe unreasonably limits my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not discourage, and will in fact actively encourage, other bloggers to report these violations to the FEC.
And those who are apparently inclined to obey government regulations on political speech:
I’m entirely in favor of resisting speech restrictions through legal means, but I’m not confident that disobeying justly enacted laws is within my God-given authority, except insofar as such laws prevent me from carrying out God’s will or are directly evil.
In the unlikely event that the FEC promulgates regulations that impact little-ole-me, I intend to try to comply with them if I can without compromising what I am trying to do with this blog.
Happily, they are in the distinct minority. I count dozens of solid pledges, one lawyerly pledge (Xrlq), and 2 sheep. (No offense, guys!)
[UPDATE: I want to make it very clear that the “sheep” comment is just lighthearted teasing of two bloggers I like a lot. I disagree with them, but respect them.]
A lot of people are writing me e-mails to tell me they’re in — but they’re not blogging it. If you are taking the pledge, blog it and send me the link! E-mail address is: patterico -AT- patterico -DOT- com.
If I missed anyone, please let me know.
I find this very inspiring — but not surprising. We’re Americans, after all.
UPDATE: As of Sunday, March 20, I am no longer accepting new quotes for the body of this post. (I still have a few to add, so if you already sent yours, be patient — I’ll get them all up.)
You can still show that you took the pledge, by blogging it, linking to this post, and sending a trackback.
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Free speech pledge
|By SayUncle|
Patterico has a round up of people taking the free speech pledge. If I knew I w […]
SayUncle : Free speech pledge (c5d5ae) — 3/18/2005 @ 1:40 pm[…] @ 6:12 am Blogs are still being added to the long list of bloggers taking the free speech pledge to defy any […]
Patterico's Pontifications » Take the Free Speech Pledge (0c6a63) — 3/18/2005 @ 2:12 pm[…] a concert and I’m pooped. Tomorrow I’ll add the new links to blogs taking the free speech pledge. There are many, many more. Excellent! I w […]
Patterico's Pontifications » More Blogs Stepping Over the Line (0c6a63) — 3/19/2005 @ 8:16 amHi Patrick,
Flap is in!
Sorry, I was drilling out of town today. and son still has my lap.
Here is the link:
Flap (8e0a81) — 3/17/2005 @ 10:10 pmHey, you skipped my supplemental pledge! I may be promising a leetle less, but I’m also volunteering to go out of my way to be prosecuted for it. That’s gotta count for something.
Xrlq (c51d0d) — 3/17/2005 @ 10:15 pmI am in.
Final Historian (595326) — 3/17/2005 @ 11:02 pm
Link here:
Final Historian (595326) — 3/17/2005 @ 11:04 pm
Not letting me post the link otherwise, odd…
Final Historian (595326) — 3/17/2005 @ 11:04 pmSo Baaa to you Pat.
Seriously Pat, when you have fifteen zillion people lined up on one side and two (that’s me and Master of None) on the other, you can say we are wrong, but you can hardly say we are sheep. Sheep follow the herd, don’t you know.
Roscoe (5a2347) — 3/17/2005 @ 11:04 pmSheep do what the shepherd tells ’em to do.
Patterico (756436) — 3/17/2005 @ 11:53 pmI’m in, and so’s she.
Ahistoricality (489c63) — 3/18/2005 @ 2:51 amTaking the Pledge
Patterico notes that a lot of blogges are taking his pledge. But we need more.
I just wish he’d quoted the part where I said t…
Dean's World (11ee8e) — 3/18/2005 @ 5:02 amTaking the Pledge
Hold The Mayo (1483fa) — 3/18/2005 @ 5:26 amThe FEC and McCain/Feingold will not stop me from exercising my Constitutionally protected right to free speech. I will answer the challenge issued by Petterico, and I will take this pledge If the FEC makes rules that limit my First…
I make the pledge.
Scott Kirwin (9c5d59) — 3/18/2005 @ 5:54 amA Pledge
Josh's Weblog (d1501d) — 3/18/2005 @ 6:02 amI’ve said it other ways before, but I’ll also take Patterico’s challenge. If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules. I’ll go one…
I’m a present-time non-blogger, but I take the pledge and go 1 further. I will START a blog in protest.
Jim G. (c27f39) — 3/18/2005 @ 7:06 amThe Blogger Free Speech Pledge
Legal XXX (59ce3a) — 3/18/2005 @ 7:42 amPatterico is asking bloggers to pledge to not abide by proposed FEC rules designed to limit bloggers free speech rights.
I’m reply #48 in your previous thread. Or was that not specific enough? I’ll spell it out if you think it was too subtle.
billy-jay (6e752e) — 3/18/2005 @ 7:52 amRoscoe’s objection is a fair one: as wrong as he and Michael may be, standing virtually alone on the issue does not make them sheep, just good, upstanding color-of-law abiding citizens.
Xrlq (ffb240) — 3/18/2005 @ 9:22 amThis Qualify?
Alan Kellogg (68303c) — 3/18/2005 @ 9:36 amTake The Free Speech Pledge
Patterico is asking bloggers of every political leaning to take the free speech pledge in the face of possible FEC regulation. (H/T Dean)
As is appropriate for this blog, I’ll let Mr. Jefferson do the honor of stating my position. “The Federal …
Secure Liberty (91eb31) — 3/18/2005 @ 9:57 amI am not blogging at the moment (got worn down by spam comments), but if there’s one thing that will get me going again, it’s any sign that FEC will try to regulate speech on blogs.
I’ve already taken the pledge on my own, before you made it a formal one, Patterico. But I do want to be clearly on record, so I’m posting this.
Dan S (d281eb) — 3/18/2005 @ 10:34 amWe must fight for the rights the Founding Father’s gave us, that God gave us, or we’re no better off than people without any rights at all.
HD Wanderer (3a3b66) — 3/18/2005 @ 10:42 amCongress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech. Like Judge Scalia, I too an an originalist. That’s the rule of law, that’s what the framers of the Constitution meant, and that’s why I will thump McCain and Fengold with both my strong hind legs if they attempt to abridge my blogging rights in any way, shape or form!
The RaBBiT (5a1b49) — 3/18/2005 @ 12:05 pmJust in case there are any doubts about the intent of my previous comment, count me in, baby.
The RaBBiT (5a1b49) — 3/18/2005 @ 12:07 pmBilly-Jay,
I understand now. Give me a quotable quote and a link.
All: e-mail to patterico *AT* patterico -DOT- com.
Patterico (08c813) — 3/18/2005 @ 12:19 pmAll for One and One for All
Anonymous (6ed3f8) — 3/18/2005 @ 1:01 pmIn adding my name to an ever-growing list of bloggers taking the Patterico Pledge, I am making a solemn vow to you, my faithful readers, to be true to the spirit of blogging and free speech.
Taking the Challenge
Pirate's Cove (af7df9) — 3/18/2005 @ 2:34 pmPatterico has a challenge (hat tip to Steve at Secure Liberty)I think it’s time to put the question to you directly.
Take the Free Speech Pledge
Left & Right (a03b33) — 3/18/2005 @ 2:39 pmPatterico’s Pontifications ? Bloggers Are Taking the Free Speech PledgeIf the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules.I certainly don’t see a day when…
There’s at least one resident of the Great State of Alabama who still believes it’s motto: We Dare Defend Our Rights!
I have taken the pledge:
the Free Voice (a382b4) — 3/18/2005 @ 3:01 pmthe Free Voice: Audemus jura nostra defendere
I tried tracking back, not showing up for whatever reason. Here is my link:
William Teach (643aac) — 3/18/2005 @ 3:24 pmWith right hand raised (5a1bcd) — 3/18/2005 @ 3:41 pmDear Patterico: The events of this day perhaps have emboldened me, and it’s about time. I will not be silenced, no matter what the Federal Election Commission or any other…
On The Third Hand (2c747a) — 3/18/2005 @ 5:56 pmI don’t do much political blogging in the sense of endorsing candidates… but if I happen to get the urge, the FEC isn’t going to stop me. Not really a pledge… it’s just that you can’t shut me up if I have something to say.
The Patterico Pledge
Bryan's Basement (af7df9) — 3/18/2005 @ 7:20 pmI’ve recently talked about the FEC’s attempts to limit political speech online. Patterico has challenged bloggers to take the following pledge: If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues,
I take the pledge. Though the chances that the FEC would even notice my little blog are pretty slim.
Bryan C (376254) — 3/18/2005 @ 7:23 pm
Drat. My link didn’t show up. Here it is:
Bryan C (376254) — 3/18/2005 @ 7:24 pm
Patterico has assembled….
Media Lies (11ee8e) — 3/18/2005 @ 9:47 pm….quite the list of bloggers who will defy the FEC should they attempt to regulate blogs. The free speech movement is growing.
I joined as well.
Todd Carpenter (81f06a) — 3/18/2005 @ 10:10 pmYou bet. There’s a reason that amendment was the first one. The McCain-Feingold Act should never have been passed. It should never have been signed by the President. It should have been thrown out completely by every court that looked at it. It should be repealed.
Abe of Lincoln (f2b3c0) — 3/18/2005 @ 11:40 pmUpdate.
“John McCain and Russ Feingold: please retire from public “service,” you’ve done more than enough damage already. Step aside so others may try to undo your harm.”
billy-jay (6e752e) — 3/19/2005 @ 1:55 amFree Speech Pledge
Sierra Sanity (c4b1d3) — 3/19/2005 @ 2:30 amPatterico has made a Pledge, as will I.
McCain, Feingold and the other silly fascists can all move to Canada and tell the sheep what to say. . . .
Turkeys can come and try to stop me…Bring em on.
The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill (59ce3a) — 3/19/2005 @ 1:52 pmHell those knuckleheads can come and try to stop me. After what I have faced these last few weeks I will chew them up and spit out ground cover. No way I will modify my attacks against the appeasing left and bigoted paleo rightwingers. Bring em on.
we’ve also added your disclaimer…
do (3aa708) — 3/19/2005 @ 2:39 pmlet’s not go around calling people sheep
Doc Rampage (59ce3a) — 3/19/2005 @ 6:16 pmI should note that unlike Patterico, I’m not inclined to think less of Roscoe and Michael Williams for refusing to go along with the pledge. I’ve been reading Roscoe for a long time and think very highly of him in general and of his reasoning in this…
I updated the post to reflect that I was just teasing Roscoe (and Michael).
Patterico (756436) — 3/19/2005 @ 6:50 pmFree Speech is Our Right. The FEC, McCain and Feingold be damned. Ryan Sager has written a couple of columns about how McCain-Feingold was frauduently foisted upon all of us. He has the goods of these lying sacks of excrement.
Sailor in the Desert (c4b75f) — 3/19/2005 @ 7:24 pmI believe in the First Amendment. The US government needs to believe in it too.
President Aristotle
Bruce Griffin (7a7c51) — 3/19/2005 @ 7:56 pmWell – I tried using the email address that you gave and the damn thing won’t send it – says it’s some type of invalid something or other….So – Here’s my link to my pledge:
Grizzly Mama
Monica-Philadelphia (bfa3a3) — 3/19/2005 @ 8:09 pmTBSC member Brian Scott takes the pledge
The Blue State Conservatives (d881ce) — 3/20/2005 @ 7:28 amI, Brian Scott take this pledge: " If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules." I will not change how I blog…
Stop The Erosion of Free Speech
Hold The Mayo (1483fa) — 3/20/2005 @ 1:19 pmThe regulators are coming, and they want to know what you think. I think it is incumbent on everyone to let them know. Hugh Hewitt who has some experience in these matters has some advice for how to participate in…
Submit to Authority
Michael Williams -- Master of None (821c19) — 3/20/2005 @ 3:03 pmThe idea of submission isn’t particularly popular in our day and age, but the Bible teaches a lot about obedience. If one believes that one is justified in doing whatever one can “get away with”, then the only reason to submit to anyone else is if y…
The Free Speech Pledge
Something... and Half of Something (086b26) — 3/20/2005 @ 5:36 pmAmendment I – Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to…
Plege. And remember, the first Amendment is backed up by the 2nd. Besides, I’m not pledging to a manufactured issue rammed-through by the Pew (un)Charitable Trusts.
-keith in mtn. view (c034c3) — 3/21/2005 @ 11:04 amFEC may imperil Bloggerverse
Sneakeasy's Joint (af7df9) — 3/23/2005 @ 12:58 pmFEC Commissioner Bradley Smith recently made some comments hinting at a
Blogging may be Imperiled by Federal Election Commission
The Cycling Dude (af7df9) — 3/23/2005 @ 1:28 pmReaders of this Blog have seen how I have written about, and commented on, issues, and events affecting cycling, and the perception of cyclists. You have seen how I link to the Congressional Bicycle Caucus, and to stories about laws
My blog, my words, my right
Pajama Pundits (11ee8e) — 3/25/2005 @ 7:18 amI’m late in blogging about it, but of course I’m taking Patterico’s Free Speech Pledge.
My blog, my words, my right
Pajama Pundits (11ee8e) — 3/25/2005 @ 7:18 amI’m late in blogging about it, but of course I’m taking Patterico’s Free Speech Pledge.
The Cutter is in. Here’s an idea … Here’s an alternative protest idea: How about McCain for the Republicans and Feingold for the Demos and we all go silent for the election?
DC (5a1cfa) — 3/25/2005 @ 8:07 amDitto: From my cold, dead hands!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for …
Travis Benning (afbd11) — 3/25/2005 @ 8:21 amfree Speech is our Right, It is NOT for the government to decide who is allowed free political speech. If the FEC does not like what I blog, they can shove it where the sun don’t shine!
Sailor in the Desert (f53ff1) — 3/28/2005 @ 3:53 pmAre some blogs offensive?
Thinking Out Loud: Thought Leadership from an Enterprise Architect (857abc) — 5/16/2005 @ 6:11 pmBefore you read any further, I ask that you stop what you are doing and read the Cluetrain Manifesto and then come back to this page. I have obtained wisdom from many blogs (too numerous to list here, but have…
I’m in. They take my keyboard over my cold, dead, in-a-casket-buried-underground body.
Kevin (cebd86) — 7/19/2005 @ 9:21 amWe hold these truths to be self evident–
Article [I.]
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
What part of the word NO do they fail to understand?
Dan Kauffman (0cf47b) — 9/22/2005 @ 7:24 pmThe FEC can bite my fuzzy white ass.
Ed Minchau (4fa826) — 11/8/2005 @ 7:34 pm[…] Bloggers Are Taking the Free Speech Pledge – […] » Blog Archive » Bloggers Are Taking the Free Speech Pledge (d45c18) — 11/29/2005 @ 7:40 pmFuck the FEC.
If you don’t mind me saying it here.
I’ll post what I want in my blog when I want. I don’t limit responses, I don’t lock threads and I don’t care what people think. That’s what free speech is about.
And if you think that’s extreme, you should read my books.
MadMike (a55810) — 12/3/2005 @ 12:32 pm[…] Last year, we took the Patterico pledge along with lots of others. Now push seems to be coming to shove. Brian Anderson in City Journal: A first, abandoned, draft of proposed FEC Web rules, leaked to the RedState blog last March, regulated all but tiny, password-protected political sites, so bloggers should be worried. Without a general exemption, political blogs could easily find themselves in regulatory hell. Say it’s a presidential race, Condi Rice versus Hillary Clinton. You run a wildly opinionated and popular group blog—call it No to Hillary—that rails daily about the perils of a Clinton restoration and sometimes republishes Rice campaign material. Is your blog making “contributions” to Rice? Maybe. The FEC says that a “contribution” includes “any gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value made by any person for the purpose of influencing any election for Federal office” (my italics). If your anti-Hillary blog spends more than $1,000, you could also find it re-classified as a “political committee.” Then you’ve got countless legal requirements and funding limits to worry about. […]
Dinocrat » Blog Archive » Bring it on, FEC! (ea6a9d) — 1/13/2006 @ 9:05 amThere are no links of the Topic ‘Things done half way are never done Right’
Faizan (a02581) — 3/9/2006 @ 2:57 amTraction Control pledges to uphold the Constitutional right to free speech by providing ad and message space to restricted organizations
. . .
Here the First Amendment is protected by the Second.
USCitizen (c93d5c) — 9/10/2006 @ 7:41 amIch besichtige deinen Aufstellungsort wieder bald fur sicheres!
scarpe (b82aa6) — 4/12/2007 @ 2:41 amjtluyvfi faupewlz lfbd ctzdgrhb ibkxlehn lpfwst tvie
fvdeqh qeay (9be1c9) — 6/17/2008 @ 10:14 pmBlogACause’s Stance on Free Speech and the First Amendment to the US Constitution…
Article 4 of our Policies states: If the FEC, FCC, CONgress or the President make rules or laws that limit our First Amendment right to express our opinion on core political issues, We will not obey those rules. This includes not giving them any….
Blog A Cause (f69102) — 6/28/2009 @ 10:30 am