Patterico's Pontifications


“I Hate White People”

Filed under: Obama,Race — DRJ @ 8:06 am

[Guest post by DRJ]

Naked Emperor News looks at one of the New Black Panthers involved in the Philadelphia voter intimidation case — King Samir Shabazz:

“You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some crackers. You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies.”


36 Responses to ““I Hate White People””

  1. He was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church in Chicago too, wasn’t he, where he heard Rev. Wright utter nary an untoward word?

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  2. Just think, these are Obama’s people, and if Eric Holder and Obama will not prosecute these animals, then I can only surmise Obama and Holder wants to kill white people and white babies.
    If Obama wants a war….He will lose

    socalsifu (31f148)

  3. Haiku think mad dog
    should be put down like real quick
    lest infection spread

    ColonelHaiku (9cf017)

  4. Yep, he’s a mad dog. I’m sure I’m a racist for noticing what a racist he is.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  5. All in all, this isn’t logically different from the democrats of 100 years ago. I mean, the races are different I guess.

    Now the dems insist you can’t be racist for hating whites because of some mysterious reason. They protect the same sort of moron boys trying to keep democrats getting elected. The NAACP actually lobbied in favor of the exact crap they used to fight against.

    That’s the beauty of populism.

    I think people should bear in mind that Obama lectured on Alinksy tactics for community organization. A major facet is to keep the community agitated, because such a community tolerates more government intrusion.

    And doesn’t this agitate you? Might make some feel it really is black vs white out there in America. It isn’t, if we don’t let them get the better of us. The dems are playing the same sick old playbook, with a few characters switched around. They traded one player for another, but have them running the same plays.

    Remember, the eventually lost last time with this playbook.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  6. “…Obama and Holder want(s) to kill white people and white babies.”

    Not really, or at least not with their own hands while the outcome is still in doubt. Obama and Holder expect a variety of Muslims to do the actual blood work, happily and all in the name of the greater good.

    Obama and Holder see their job as keeping a lid on the apparatus of institutional resistance so the truth squads can operate unfettered by illegitimate authority, continuing to undermine the nation’s economic stability, and fostering racial hatred and religious bigotry in order to set the victims permanently against each other.

    Have I overstated the case?

    ropelight (eaba1d)

  7. He’s got great face tattoos, so at least he’s got that going for himself.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  8. Of course, this Shabazz individual cannot be a racist. Nor would he ever engage in hate speech.

    navyvet (206534)

  9. navy

    well, the popular liberal theory is that black people cannot be racists because racism requires power and black people are powerless, so…

    Which is a crock on several levels. First, while racism without power might not be a serious problem it is still racism. Racism is an attitude, not a status.

    Second, since when are black people powerless? this is especially true given that a black man is president, but leaving aside him, and the CEOs, and so on, even a black guy driving at night down a highway, who sees a white person on the side of the road has power–he can swerve and kill the guy if he is inclined. Or let’s back it up even more… to the bad old days before emancipation. And even then the slave had power. when lincoln made emancipation the official policy of the union, slaves all across the south engaged in passive resitance–more or less, a deliberate slowdown. they used to call it “fooling old master” and frankly was pretty much itentical to the old soviet mantra of “they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work.” The similarity shouldn’t surprise us, since George Fitzhugh stated that slavery was the perfect realization of socialism. (Believe it or not, he meant that as a compliment, to slavery. The man was a sick puppy.)

    So even in chains, black people had power, even forgetting those who ran away or joined the Union army. It can be argued very plausibly that but for this kind of passive resistance, the union might have lost the war. in a war where the ultimate issue was attrition, its hard to pin down a single reason for victory.

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (b1db52)

  10. I’m confident that Charlie Manson is smiling about this.

    AD - RtR/OS! (568b48)

  11. This WSJ article completely dispels the whole Bush’s fault argument. Bush didn’t appoint the DOJ employees who made the complaints against the DOJ—they are Democrats by and large.

    Citizen x (b3dc27)

  12. As elections near, it’s time to study Obama’s shady past in detail to see how deep his rabbit hole goes. Do it free anytime with the Historyscoper’s free Obamascope at

    Historyscoper (54ce1a)

  13. citizen

    well, it wouldn’t matter anyway. we can all see the video tape. at the very least that bigoted idiot should 1) have served time in jail, and 2) should be banned from any polling place for 10 years. he can send in absentee ballots, assuming he even has the right to vote (i.e. not a felon).

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (e7d72e)

  14. Why would Obama try to kill off white people when his mother (rest her soul) was white? and his grandfather (the only father he knew) I can guarantee that white people have nothing other races want. Not even the woman because they don’t work for their man. The man works for her. Jobs? Money? That’s eduction related, not race related. so can someone tell me what would make Obama begin a war versus another race ala Hitler? I think some white people have lost control of something they never had control of-the opinions of other people in a land which is stolen and made to behave like a mini-England.

    Dwayne Robinson (f90c43)

  15. LOL, Dwayne.

    I just watched Die Hard last night.

    All people are asking for here is a race neutral enforcement of the law.

    You’re some kind of nutcase racist, and your stupid views belong with the democrat party… in the past.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  16. Was interesting how he mentioned Africa several time. My first thought was, why not go there and try to talk that way about people you don’t like. See how long that would last.

    The hatred just oozed from him.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  17. Africa?
    Do you know how hard it is to get fresh aragula in Africa (I think it’s all grown in green-houses in Israel)?

    AD - RtR/OS! (568b48)

  18. The talk of Africa is pretty hilarious. No clue what a hole Africa is, and how wherever he went in Africa, they’d have him dead in a ditch in hours.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  19. Dwayne, I’m really, really glad to know that whites can relax knowing they don’t have anything other races want. That’s a big relief. I confess, I thought other races were hot after my money.

    I was worried “certain” races were after whites to pay for welfare, food stamps, housing, ObamaCare, and reparations. It was that new tax on Tanning Salons that got me on edge. I don’t know if other races use tanning or not, I don’t, but it seemed like an racist tax directed at white people to me.

    We just might have an opportunity to cut a big chunk out of the deficit.

    ropelight (eaba1d)

  20. AD – The Jooooos gots all the arugula? Seriously?

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  21. No wonder Obama hates ’em.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  22. Africa?
    Do you know how hard it is to get fresh aragula in Africa (I think it’s all grown in green-houses in Israel)?

    It’s even harder. The aragula greenhouses were all in Gaza, and since Hamas “renovated” them, quality has really gone downhill.

    However, Obama need not worry. I’m reliably informed that Bibi, making sure not to repeat the mistake he made on his first trip over here to see Obama, brought several cases with him this time. That’s why Obama is so friendly with him now.


    kishnevi (d25995)

  23. note to self: mister
    robinson’s neighborhood not
    nice place to visit

    ColonelHaiku (9cf017)

  24. obama now want
    tan your hide clyde and leave it
    hangin’ on the shed

    ColonelHaiku (9cf017)

  25. Until ropelight mentioned it, it hadn’t occurred to me that the tanning tax was going to impact whites more.

    Another example of a situation where, if the roles were reversed, such as the GOP taxing something generally used for dark skin colors, all hell would break loose.

    I don’t really think that was racist, but I do think it’s a shame we do not live under a race neutral justice system.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  26. colonel haiku plank
    initiate tax on fade
    cuts and on G-wraps

    ColonelHaiku (9cf017)

  27. I have no idea about aragula in Africa, and whether or not it is grown in Israeli green-houses, though I liked that bit about Gaza, as it least is based on fact.

    AD - RtR/OS! (568b48)

  28. The civil rights movement in America did a lot for people, especially Americans.

    It is too bad that the hard work and sacrifice of so many still has not erased the notion that the value of a person has nothing to do with the color of their skin.

    Ag80 (363d6e)

  29. Wait a minute, didn’t Obama give the greatest speech on race in Phillie? I guess the King missed it.

    Arizona Bob (e8af2b)

  30. But the fact is Obama was raised by white family members. Did and does Obama secretly hate his grandparents who raised him?

    Muscle Max XL (b69079)

  31. “Did and does Obama secretly hate his grandparents who raised him?”

    Muscle Max XL – His grandmother was just a “typical white person” according to Obama. You be the judge.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  32. Remember all that pretend outrage durinf the 2000 election, over police being a block away from a polling place, this is practically 1876 bad

    ian cormac (93d17d)

  33. What I want to know is, how does Naked Emperor News’ Pamela Key get all this stuff professional journalists miss? FNC didn’t even find this footage!

    L.N. Smithee (b924ff)

  34. Mmm,

    i wonder if we can sue the justice department for racial discrimination?

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (e7d72e)

  35. his white grandmother
    thrown under the bus with rest
    of dispensibles

    ColonelHaiku (9cf017)

  36. People tend to protect their own. People are also reluctant to admit to being wrong. Sign of weakness or something.

    Alan Kellogg (599773)

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