Patterico's Pontifications


David Horowitz at UCSD

Filed under: Education — DRJ @ 11:06 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

From Legal Insurrection:

“David Horowitz deserves a prize and praise for bringing the ugliness to the surface for all to see.

Stay tuned until the end of the video to see the true face of the anti-Israel movement on campuses:


21 Responses to “David Horowitz at UCSD”

  1. A truly special moment. Next time Eric Holder is on Capitol Hill, somebody should play it for him and ask for his reaction.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  2. Heh! I feel sorry for the girl, in a way. She forgot that this is America and she had the right to say, “No, I do not condemn Hamas. I think our government’s policies are extremely misguided in regard to Israel and those who oppose its vicious treatment of Palestinians. Now tell me your evidence of a connection between our MSA and Jihad, AIPAC tool”, without worrying that she would be prosecuted for it.

    nk (db4a41)

  3. That is not my view, BTW. I condemn Hamas and support Israel.

    nk (db4a41)

  4. nk, this presupposes that she is smart enough to spit all of that out. The modern pro-Islam, anti-American college student has only been trained well enough to say “America bad. Third world good.” That’s the long and short of it.

    JVW (08e86a)

  5. Next time Eric Holder is on Capitol Hill, somebody should play it for him and ask for his reaction.

    “No habla ingles, senor.”

    Eric Holder (fb8750)

  6. you’ll make a great lawyer nk…. you don’t stand for anything.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  7. I think children should have two servings of fresh fruit or vegetables a day.

    nk (db4a41)

  8. The alumni of every UC school must be so proud of her.

    I say that as a joke but I’m afraid a lot of them really are proud of her.

    MU789 (8034a8)

  9. UCSD = Univ. of California Stupid Democrats.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  10. I saw this a few days ago. Thank God for David Horowitz. He knows how to expose these people for who and what they are.

    Generalmalaise (fc86d7)

  11. [Horowitz] spoke of how the countries in the Middle East were created and had no right to the lands that now make up Israel. “The Jews were attacked. They had every right to expel every Arab from both Israel and, when they were attacked in ‘67, from the West Bank.”

    AJB (3008d4)

  12. Other than spamming a link, AJB, did you actually have a point to make?

    JD (0f9c01)

  13. They had every right to expel every Arab from both Israel

    And that girl addressing Horowitz wants to one-up him by approving of the idea that Jews should be hunted down throughout the world. IOW, they should be persecuted far beyond the boundaries of Israel.

    It is hilarious because there is a not-small percentage of the left — which loves to see itself as so humane and compassionate — that becomes tongue-tied and flummoxed (or, worse of all, may even nod in agreement) with the sentiments of that idiotic scarf-wearing young woman. But since the founder of Islam, Mohammed, was into out-and-out assasinations (of simple-and-plain critics, not to mention those who mocked him), she knows of what she speaks. She’s merely following the playbook.

    Mark (411533)

  14. Every time you kill another human being and take his property because you think God wants you to, you are an asshole. This kind of nonsense goes back to The Old Testament, not just Mohammed. What was the rationale for the conquest of Jericho, for example?

    nk (db4a41)

  15. not just Mohammed

    However, at the very least, I think it’s correct to say that the founder of Islam really did raise the art of ruthlessness and, yes, murder to the next level.

    I’m re-posting the following…

    Having attained a comfortable lifestyle and the idle time that wealth affords, Muhammad would wander off occasionally for periods of meditation and contemplation. One day, at the age of 40, he told his wife that he had been visited by the angel Gabriel. Thus began a series of “revelations” which lasted almost until his death 23 years later. The Qur’an is a collection of words that Muhammad attributed to Allah.

    …Stinging from the rejection of his own town and tribe, Muhammad’s message quickly become more intolerant and ruthless – particularly as he gained power. Islam’s holiest book clearly reflects this contrast, with the later parts of the Qur’an adding violence and earthly defeats at the hands of Muslims to the woes of eternal damnation that the earlier parts of the book promises those who will not believe in Muhammad.

    It was at Medina that Islam evolved from the relatively peaceful religion (that had thus far been borrowed from others) to the military force that it became during the last ten years of Muhammad’s life, in which infidels were evicted or enslaved, converted upon point of death, and even rounded up and slaughtered.

    …To fund his quest for control, Muhammad first directed his followers to raid Meccan caravans in the holy months, when the victims would least expect it. This was despite the fact that the Meccans were not bothering him in Medina.

    …Often the people captured in battle would be brought before the self-proclaimed prophet, where they would plead for their lives, arguing, for example, that they would never have treated the Muslims that way. The traditions are quite clear in portraying Muhammad as largely unmoved by their pleas, and ordering their deaths anyway, often by horrible means. In one case, he orders a man slain, telling him that “Hell” will take care of the poor fellow’s orphaned daughter (Ishaq 459).

    Muhammad wanted to put every male member to death, but was talked out of it by an associate – something that Allah later “rebuked” him for. The Qaynuqa were forced into exile and the Muslims took their possessions and property, making it their own. Muhammad personally reserved a fifth of the ill-gotten gain for himself (a rule that he was sure to include in the Qur’an).

    …Although the Qurayza surrendered peacefully to the Muslims, Muhammad determined to have every man of the tribe executed, along with every boy that had reached the initial stages of puberty (between the ages of 12 and 14). He ordered a ditch dug outside of the town and had the victims brought to him in several groups. Each person would be forced to kneel, and their head would be cut off and then dumped along with the body into the trench. Between 700 and 900 men and boys were slaughtered by the Muslims after their surrender.

    The surviving children of the men became slaves of the Muslims, and their widows became sex slaves. This included the Jewish girl, Rayhana, who became one of Muhammad’s personal concubines the very night that her husband was killed. The prophet of Islam apparently “enjoyed her
    pleasures” (ie. raped her) even as the very execution of her people was taking place

    …Muhammad ordered that a fifth of the women taken captive be reserved for him. Many were absorbed into his personal stable of sex slaves that he maintained in addition to his eleven wives. Others were doled out like party favors to others.

    …The brutal conquest of the people of Khaybar, a peaceful farming community that was not at war with the Muslims, is a striking example of this. Muhammad marched in secret, took them by surprise and easily defeated them. He had many of the men killed, simply for defending their town, enslaved women and children, and had surviving men live on the land as virtual serfs, paying Muslims an ongoing share of their crops not to attack them again.

    Muhammad suspected that the town’s treasurer was holding out and had his men barbarically torture the poor fellow by building a fire on his chest until he revealed the location of hidden treasure. Afterwards, the prophet of Islam beheaded the man and “married” his wife on the same day that she became a widow (she was forced to first pass through the hands of one of his lieutenants).

    …In the span of a dozen years, [Muhammad] married eleven women and had access to an array of sex slaves, even if she were the wife of another man, his own daughter-in-law, or a child as young as 6-years-old), Muhammad was able to justify his lust and inevitable consummation with an appeal to Allah’s revealed will for his sex life – which was then preserved forever in the Qur’an, to be faithfully memorized by future generations for whom it has no possible relevance.

    Muhammad had personal critics executed as well, including poets. One of these was a mother of five children, who was stabbed to death by Muhammad’s envoy after a suckling infant was removed from her breast. Innocent people were killed merely because they were of a different religion, sometimes including children.

    The double standards of Islam that are so recognizable today were ingrained by the prophet of Islam during his lifetime. An example would be the death of Umm Qirfa, an elderly woman who had the bad fortune to be the member of a tribe targeted by Muhammad’s raiders.

    Muhammad’s adopted son tied the woman’s legs separately to two camels, then set the camels off in opposite directions, tearing the woman’s body in two. He also killed her two sons – presumably in gruesome fashion.

    Following Mecca’s surrender, Muhammad put to death those who had previously insulted him. One of the persons sentenced was his former scribe, who had written revelations that Muhammad said were from Allah. The scribe had previously recommended changes to the wording that Muhammad offered (based on some of the bad grammar and ineloquent language of “Allah”) and Muhammad agreed. This caused the scribe to apostatize, based on his belief that real revelations should have been immutable.

    Although the scribe escaped death by “converting to Islam” at the point of a sword, others weren’t so lucky. One was a slave girl who was executed on Muhammad’s order because she had written songs mocking him.

    ^ And that various liberals throughout the Western World not only create some sort of moral equivalence between Christ/Christianity and Mohammed/Islam — or give latitude to something mainly because it’s associated with the sad, poor, pitiful, dejected Third World — is merely one more example of their lousy judgment and amazing ass-backwardness.

    Mark (411533)

  16. Religion of Peace®

    Generalmalaise (fc86d7)

  17. I wonder who the a–hole(s) were that started to clap after she gave her answer.

    And Bloomberg worries about a backlash against Muslims in this country? We have to be the nicest bunch of bigots in the world to let these twits live here with all the rights afforded under the constitution.

    MU789 (8034a8)

  18. Muslims don’t think we’re bigots, they have reason to believe we’re cowards who are too stupid and flatulent to summon the collective will to resist their takeover of our country or the rape of our women.

    Muslims rank us somewhere on the evolutionary scale below sheep and dogs but above chickens and squirrels.

    ropelight (bcf52e)

  19. That’s good news, ropelight, I wouldn’t want the neighborhood squirrels thinking they were better than I was.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  20. This is how sick our college campuses have become. It is infested with hateful, ignorant people like the portly woman in this video. The history courses breed these animals and impress on so many of these weak minds an anti-American world view.

    The whole UC system should be ashamed. People are not being educated; they are being indoctrinated into hate.

    Mel Z (3bf7e8)

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