Patterico's Pontifications


Limbaugh Can Go Play With Himself

Filed under: Obama — DRJ @ 5:05 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

This New York Post report has one of the most talked-about stories of the day:

“When President Obama was asked if he would play a round of golf with his talk-radio nemesis Rush Limbaugh, the response, relayed by a top Democrat, was: “Limbaugh can play with himself.”

This is according to Zev Chafets in his new book, “Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One,” due May 25 from Sentinel.

The caustic comeback is another example of the verbal venom between the White House and the conservative radio star. In an interview with CBS News last month, Obama called the views spelled out by Limbaugh and Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck “troublesome.”

So now we have this incident, Obama’s use of the term “teabagger,” the Rahm Emanuel-Eric Massa confrontation in the shower, and speculation about Kagan’s sexual orientation. Is this the White House or an episode of Mean Girls?


44 Responses to “Limbaugh Can Go Play With Himself”

  1. class will out, and Ear Leader is in a class of his own.

    somewhere in America, or Indonesia, or Kenya, a ghetto is missing a dirtbag.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. We are being led by the best and brightest…
    of the High School Sophomore Class.

    AD - RtR/OS! (04f5c9)

  3. And the Leader of the Free World comports himself well, as usual.

    GeneralMalaise (9354d2)

  4. Unforced error! Advantage Limbaugh!

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    ropelight (5c7bab)

  5. It is time for a new term to enter the English language …

    barackracy – rule by someone with little or no relevant life-experience …

    which gives rise to

    barackrat – a public official with little or no experience for the position to which he/she is appointed/elected …

    Our current US President is the archetypical exemplar of a barackrat …

    Our current President has little or no experience being a Chief Executive for a diverse population … and he demonstrates it when he shows pique in public … he demonstrates it when he believes that it is Presidential to say “I won” … he demonstrates it when, at an event known traditionally for self-deprecating humour, eh spends most of his speech-time taking potshots at others …

    And, This One classically demonstrates it when he goes from a seeming of being high-functioning and intelligent (when TOTUS is working) to inarticulate when there is a TOTUS-malfunction …

    Alasdair (889e31)

  6. I have been genuinely surprised to observe just how petty and immature Obama is.

    Beldar (7674d1)

  7. Obama called the views spelled out by Limbaugh and Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck “troublesome.”

    Only because they expose this asshole for what he is, what he believes, and what he is trying to do.

    I was taught that the office of the President is the only nationally elected federal office because he is supposed to represent each individual in the United States.

    Instead, for those who did not vote for him he has a hot poker to shove up their ass. I always considered even Clinton as my President. But this arrogant bastard has told me, because I think differently than he, to go to hell, he cares nothing for what I believe.

    At this point here is no way he will ever earn my respect, nor would I give it if he did,.

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    bizjetmech (022d42)

  8. El Rushbo had a nice reply:
    “They’re confusing me with Bill Clinton.”

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  9. And I’m sure he was congratulating himself on how clever he is.

    Oy, this man.

    em (017d3c)

  10. I’m sure he meant to say “He can play BY himself”.

    Or did he…..

    lee (cae7a3)

  11. The White House insiders and perhaps President Obama himself must have thought this was such a funny response that, instead of circulating it among the inner circle, they just had to share it with others so everyone would know just how clever and cool they are. That’s a sign of some seriously self-centered, arrogant and immature people.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  12. See #2 above…

    AD - RtR/OS! (04f5c9)

  13. Well the Won thing we can say about The Won, is that he does not play well with others.
    And after 2012, he’s going to get to play alone.

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  14. What a child. One thing I loved about W. was that he never lowered himself or his office to trading insults and bon mots with his adversaries.

    Obama thinks that disagreement and criticism of him is illegitimate and probably racist. He cannot articulate or imagine the other sides to his positions. He just thinks his critics are mean. Or something.

    fugazi (77c666)

  15. It is actually a regime led by and manned by people with the intel of a pre-school class.

    Scrapiron (4e0dda)

  16. The White House insiders and perhaps President Obama himself must have thought this was such a funny response that, instead of circulating it among the inner circle, they just had to share it with others so everyone would know just how clever and cool they are. That’s a sign of some seriously self-centered, arrogant and immature people.

    Comment by DRJ — 5/12/2010 @ 7:47 pm

    Zactly. Every one of them’s like the bad sort of teenagers (no offense to the good kind).

    Dunno what makes me more sick: the pathetic level unprofessionalism of the joke itself or the arrogance that somehow lets them think they can continue to get away with this level of unpresidential behavior, over and over and over, without long term consequences both at home and abroad.

    no one you know (105ce8)

  17. We have all seen this kind of thing in high school: the snotty above-it-all type who insults and when called on it, feigns ignorance and takes on a “how can you believe such a thing” attitude.

    I wasn’t fooled by the middle finger business to Hillary Clinton, and I am not fooled now.

    If BHO isn’t part of this, he needs to speak up now. But my guess is that he thinks he and his people are so darned clever. Smarter than everyone.

    2012 can’t come soon enough, can it?

    Eric Blair (96ace0)

  18. Geez, I bet he gets moody and sulks, too.

    Apparently Dignity and Grace moved to Texas with George & Laura.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  19. how can Ear Leader play golf anyway?
    you have to have some balls just to even get on the course.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  20. i think this makes it official. all those times people wondered if he was giving people the bird. yeah, he was.

    I’m call it. My new nickname for Obama is President Asshole. but to tell the truth when he mocked the handicapped, i was pretty close to giving him that designation.

    He’s an asshole. he is an arrogant f— who doesn’t know his own limits. if he did, at best he would be Senator Obama.

    A.W. (f97997)

  21. At least he didn’t call him “turbulent

    Kevin Murphy (5ae73e)

  22. The petty antics of this crowd are better suited and actually expected from the idiots that generally board HOAs.

    And they make taking the high road appear effortless to their critics while they’re at it. Hell, the East German judge would give ’em a 3.5 for that, don’t you think?

    X_LA_Native (2f1a8e)

  23. I couldn’t find a better spot for this, and am posting it in case anyone doubts that the media act as a “Fifth Column” for Barack and his like-minded brethren in Europe…

    GeneralMalaise (fc86d7)

  24. One of Limbaugh’s possible responses:

    OK, I’ll play with myself.

    Obama can play with Barney Frank.

    ropelight (f60615)

  25. “and speculation about Kagan’s sexual orientation.”

    How is this a ‘white house’ issue ?

    Also, I think the president probably says ‘fuck’ a lot. I hope so. People who don’t swear are holding too much in.

    cwire (de7003)

  26. I can’t believe President Civility said something like this, or condoned it by one of his staffers.

    Rochf (ae9c58)

  27. Obama is going to know what to do with himself when AF1 drops him in Kenya on Jan 20, 2013 with no power and his secret service team.

    PCD (b3210f)

  28. Without the SS, he would be finding that he is writing checks his ass can’t cash.

    AD - RtR/OS! (2aae98)

  29. Ouch! That one left a mark! Petty, immature, and FUNNY! How much respect do you think Limbaugh deserves, anyways?

    Chris Hooten (dc505c)

  30. If he’s not re-elected, maybe Obama could take over for Letterman. They have the same sense of humor.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  31. Chris Hooten, how much respect does Limbaugh deserve?

    You really don’t get it.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  32. How much respect do you think Limbaugh deserves, anyways?

    Comment by Chris Hooten — 5/13/2010 @ 4:49 pm

    Well, I suppose as much as any other private citizen deserves from the President of the United States and his staff… \

    How’d the President and his staff do? A solid F-minus for them all, I’d say..

    no one you know (105ce8)

  33. This is what Rush said:

    “You guys are both golfers,” Chafets told Limbaugh. “Would you play a round with the president and show the country that there are no hard feelings?”

    “He’s the president of the United States,” Limbaugh told Chafets. “If any president asked me to meet him, or play golf with him, I’d do it. But I promise you that will never happen. His base on the left would have a s–t-fit.”

    “How about letting me ask?” Chafets said.

    “Go ahead,” Limbaugh said. “Nothing will come of it.”

    And we know what Axelrod’s Kenyan houseboy said.

    nk (db4a41)

  34. It seems to me that the reaction to this here is roughly the same as the reaction on the left when Vice President Cheney made his off-the-record remark about how Senator Leahy could go f- himself.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  35. You smell that kind of sour, grapey smell? Smells like whine. Cheese must be quick to follow.

    Chris Hooten (bf3ecb)

  36. Nope. Leahy was rude and confrontational towards Cheney on the Senate floor. Cheney answered him back in the same heated manner. Here, Rush threw pearls before swine.

    nk (db4a41)

  37. “It seems to me that the reaction to this here is roughly the same as the reaction on the left when Vice President Cheney made his off-the-record remark about how Senator Leahy could go f- himself.”

    Fair enough, but then again Dick Cheney never pretended to be anything other than an SOB, unlike Mr. Change the Tone of Washington. Also, Cheney’s comment occurred after 2004, when he and Bush had been safely re-elected.

    Sean P (4fde41)

  38. It seems to me that the reaction to this here is roughly the same as the reaction on the left when Vice President Cheney made his off-the-record remark about how Senator Leahy could go f- himself.

    Comment by aphrael — 5/13/2010 @ 5:23 pm

    IIRC that was said directly to Senator Leahy, and was supposed to be in private. I wonder what the reaction on the left would have been if President Bush or an aide would have said to a reporter (and they knew it’d get reported) that Chris Matthews could go f— himself?

    That seems, to me anyway, all due respect, to be a closer analogy.

    no one you know (105ce8)

  39. No, Chris, what I smell is a lack of dignitas from an administration clueless about it.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  40. You smell that kind of sour, grapey smell? Smells like whine. Cheese must be quick to follow.

    Comment by Chris Hooten — 5/13/2010 @ 5:41 pm

    What, no racism charge? Slipping a bit, are you? LOL

    no one you know (105ce8)

  41. How much respect do you think Limbaugh deserves, anyways?

    Comment by Chris Hooten

    This is not about respect for Limbaugh but you don’t seem to understand that. Limbaugh certainly pushes the envelope at times but he is not the president. Neither was Cheney although Cheney is a gentleman and a very thoughtful man. Remember, he was White House chief of staff at the age of 36. And for a moderate president.

    The lack of class is staggering.

    Mike K (82f374)

  42. when Vice President Cheney made his off-the-record remark about how Senator Leahy could go f- himself

    When Cheney was later asked about this and if he regretted it, he said, “No, he deserved it”

    Cheney said something face to face to a person who had provoked the confrontation and did not do it for the sake of being funny or cute or playing to his base. Rightly or wrongly, he put aside the “my dear colleague” bs and told Leahy exactly what he thought.

    Obama (or his aide) went out of their way to prove Rush’s point, thinking they were getting the last laugh.

    MD in Philly (ea3785)

  43. Now this is funny: nutty and strange CH actually criticizing “sour grapes” in others? It’s like the guy doesn’t read his own bizarre posts.

    Eric Blair (96ace0)

  44. Awww. Chrissie Hootowl says that it’s okay for Obama to be an a-hole because the subject of his derision is also an a-hole.

    So, you’re encouraging of the highest level of discourse are you?

    Icy Texan (176b23)

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